We’ve got some superb prizes to give away this month to thank all the lovely mums, dads, nannies and grandparents contributing to our site, and even for the parents-to-be:
- Two “family” sets (2 adults, 3 kids) of tickets for the IMAX theatre on London’s South Bank. No, we don’t dictate the size of your family – if you have less than 3 kids, borrow some for the day. If you have more than 3, just let us know and we’ll arrange for some more child tickets.
- Being Dad DVDs – great for getting dads-to-be more engaged with your pregnancy and birth
- Mummy & Baby pampering products – lovely, all-natural skincare for babies, new mums, and mums to be, including a cute “soothing bottom butter”, relaxing bath soaks, anti-stretchmark “miracle oil”, and lots of other gorgeous goodies from the Boo Boo Shop
- Pregnancy and Fourth Trimester (new mums) body treatments or holistic full body massage in the comfort of your own home by mobile spa therapist Nicky Weston (London only)
- Eco-bags from Southbank London
- Tickets to parent-toddler films at the BFI on London’s South Bank (TBC)
All you need to do to enter the draw is to write a quick review of your favourite child friendly spots on our website. Each review counts as one entry, and each new place you add to the database counts as one entry.
If you’re an iPhone lover and have downloaded our little , we’ll give you an entry for your rating / review on iTunes as well.
Write 5 or more reviews on our website (www.reallykidfriendly.com) and we’ll double your chances (and we’ll love you forever).
Where would you most like to go and what would you most like to do once the new baby arrives? Whether it’s exploring your own neighbourhood and meeting local mums, visiting galleries and museums, getting into shape outdoors with a buggy fitness class, we’d love to know. Each relevant comment below or on the MumVersusKids blog counts as one entry into the prize draw. You’re also welcome to use ReallyKidFriendly.com to review places you’ve been with other peoples’ children!
Bloggers, Tweeps and “Parent-Preneurs”
Become a “super-reviewer” and we’ll link back to your site, blog or twitter feed (as well as entering your name in the draw). For more details, just get in touch. If we’re busy with the usual toddler mayhem and can’t get back to you as quickly as we’d like, just carry on writing reviews as usual – we can add the links in at any point. If the term “super reviewer” just makes you think of Super Grover from Sesame Street, well, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
The Small Print
- This prize draw closes at midnight on January 31st 2010, and we’ll notify the winners as soon as we can.
- The prize draw is open to everyone in the UK over 18 years of age.
- Prizes are transferable if you write to us to explain the reason for the transfer.
- To take advantage of some of the prizes you’ll need to come to London (UK).
- If you write a review on iTunes about the , make sure you let us know by email or tweet.