We’re very excited about this weekend’s Cybermummy 2010 conference, and with the incredible list of inspirational, talented mummy bloggers they’ve got lined up to speak at the event, you should be too.
Sadly, we won’t be able to be there in person – we will be on a too-long plane journey on our way to show off the kids to Grandma. While you are all schmoozing with like-minded bloggers and learning from the best bloggers in the country, we will be trying to stop Crazy Running Boy from running up and down the aisles wearing the shoes from a random passenger who has somehow fallen asleep despite the noise and chaos. Our Super Cheery 3 year old girl will of course be impeccably behaved thanks to our investment in a portable DVD player and a stack of princess-based films. That, or she will be staring out the window intently looking for Baby Jesus’ Daddy.
In our absence, we would love you to do what you do best and blog like crazy to show your appreciation for all the hard work Sian, Susanna and Jennifer have put into the event. We’ve added links to some of our favourite post-Cybermummy 2010 blog posts below, and you’re more than welcome to add yours too.
If you are coming in to London especially for the event, make sure you search our website for child friendly places to go and things to do in London. You can also check out our guest post on Baby Budgeting for some tips on free and affordable ways to explore London with babies and children.
We look forward to reading your posts!