Set in and around a quaint French village during the late 18th century, Beauty and the Beast follows the fantastic adventures of Belle, a bright and beautiful young woman who finds escape from her ordinary life, and the advances of a boorish suitor, Gaston, by reading books.
Meanwhile, off in a castle in the distance, a cruel young prince is cast under the spell of an enchantress who turns him into a tormented beast, while transforming his servants into animated household objects. In order to remove the curse, the Beast must discover a true love who will return his affection before the last petal falls from an enchanted rose.
When Belle’s inventor father stumbles upon the Beast’s castle and is taken prisoner, Belle comes to the rescue and agrees to take her father’s place. With the help of the castle’s enchanted staff, she sees beneath the Beast’s exterior and discovers the heart and soul of a human prince.
Special Features
- Backstage Disney
- Beyond Beauty: The Untold Stories Behind Making Beauty and the Beast (with Interactive Blu-ray-Only Features)
- Broadway Beginnings
- Composing a Classic: A Musical Conversation with Alan Menken, Don Hahn and Richard Kraft
- Deleted Scenes
- Alternate Story Open
- Belle in the Library
- Family Play
- Enchanted Challenge: A Disney Quest Game
- Bon Jour, Who is This? A Disney TelePlay Game
- Disney Channel Music Video
- Classic DVD Bonus Features (From 2002 Platinum Release)
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Amazing film, perfect for the whole family, magical.