‘Appy Monday everyone! In our Best Apps for Kids and Parents series this week we thought we’d celebrate the arrival of some superbly sticky snow, perfect for building snowmen. Whether you missed out on the snow or your kids’ mittens are already sodden and chilly from playing outside all morning, we’ve got just the app for you…
Make A Snowman is a free iPhone app where you can, well, make a snowman. There’s a good balance of cutesy, weird and realistic snowballs and accessories, everything can be resized or rotated to your heart’s content, and you can save the images or share on Facebook when you’re done.
My first snowman was pretty ugly, not least because he had a huge warty nose, Fu Manchu moustache and a sombrero, but I still felt compelled to save the image to my photo gallery for posterity.
Aside from being pretty addictive, the Make a Snowman iPhone app for kids (and parents!) is a good laugh and the controls are easy to get the hang of so even your toddler can enjoy making a virtual snowman. Give it a go and let us know what you think!
[button style=”download” link=http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/make-a-snowman/id480511000?mt=8]Click here to download Make a Snowman from iTunes[/button]