The hit West End production of Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, directed by Sam Mendes, announced today that it has extended its booking period by six months until 1 November 2014. The show had previously been booking until 31 May 2014. The production, which has so far been seen by almost 300,000 people since it began previews in May 2013, is extending its run due to popular demand, releasing almost 400,000 extra tickets.
The producers, Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures, Langley Park Productions and Neal Street Productions also announced that the Official Cast Recording with music by Marc Shaiman and lyrics by Scott Wittman and Marc Shaiman is released today by Sony Music, on CD and for download. The album features the entire cast, led by Douglas Hodge as Willy Wonka, and includes every number from the show, includingMust Be Believed to Be Seen, Simply Second Nature, Almost Nearly Perfect, as well as the Newley/Bricusse classic Pure Imagination.
Alongside Douglas Hodge, the cast of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory includes Nigel Planeras Grandpa Joe, Clive Carter as Mr Salt, Jasna Ivir as Mrs Gloop, Paul J Medford as Mr Beauregarde, Iris Roberts as Mrs Teavee, Billy Boyle as Grandpa George, Alex Clatworthy as Mrs Bucket, Roni Page as Grandma Josephine, Myra Sands as Grandma Georgina and Jack Shalloo as Mr Bucket.
Full cast: Douglas Hodge, Nigel Planer, Clive Carter, Jasna Ivir, Paul J Medford, Iris Roberts, Billy Boyle, Alex Clatworthy, Roni Page, Myra Sands, Jack Shalloo, Joe Allen, David Birch, Alex Louize Bird, Michelle Bishop, Simon Campbell, Matthew Clark, Jennifer Davison, Ross Dawes, Nia Fisher, Kate Graham, Derek Hagen, Clare Halse, Mark Iles, Daniel Ioannou, Kieran Jae, Mireia Mambo Bokele, Jane McMurtrie, Natalie Moore-Williams, Sherrie Pennington, Damien Poole, Antony Reed, Paul Saunders and Jay Webb.
When Charlie wins a golden ticket to the weird and wonderful Wonka Chocolate Factory, it’s the chance of a lifetime to feast on the sweets he’s always dreamed of. But beyond the gates astonishment awaits, as down the sugary corridors, and amongst the incredible edible delights, the five lucky winners discover not everything is as sweet as it seems.
ROALD DAHL’s deliciously dark tale of young Charlie Bucket and the mysterious confectioner Willy Wonka comes to life in a brand new West End musical directed by Academy Award® winner Sam Mendes.
Further information is available from the website: