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LEGO Christmas Decorations!

Lego Decorations - Marjolein WoutersEasy, quick and effective, I love these chubby LEGO Christmas decorations. A couple of years ago I came across the LEGO tutorials for some cute Christmas-themed decorations. They’re the perfect Christmas activity for the LEGO-obsessed in your house and let’s be honest, it’s a good way to keep the extra blocks off the ground and avoid the dreaded Stepped-on-a-LEGO injury, the worst pain of all foot-related pains!

“When I grow up, I’m still going to play with Lego”

Inspirational works

Before you get started, check out these fantastic LEGO Christmas decorations for some inspiration for your own designs!

Disney’s Frozen Olaf –
Christmas Baubles –
Star Wars Tree Decorations –
Santa’s Workshop –

What you need to make LEGO Decorations

What to do before

Talk about why certain decorations are used at this time of year and share memories of your own childhood Christmases. The children particularly love to hear about how we even played LEGO back in the ‘olden days’.

What the kiddies can do

If you have one of the Christmas LEGO kits, they can just follow the instructions, with help from grown-ups. If you’re making your own designs, help the kiddies find all the pieces they need to help their imagination come to life.

What to do with the finished work

Pop them in the window, on a mantlepiece or a shelf. If you’ve got a Lego brick with a hole in it, get the kiddies to put it near the top of the decoration, slide a ribbon into the hole and hang on your Christmas tree.

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Disclosure: This article is sponsored by Marks & Spencer in celebration of the launch of their gorgeous new Baby range.

Written by Marjolein

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