Danger Boy and Mads put the vTech Kidizoom Action Cam to the ultimate test over the school holidays… could this nifty little ‘go pro’ for kids withstand a battering by my boisterous children? To find out, we went to White Grounds Skate Park (London) where vTech were hosting a very active day out.
Having a 6 year old boy called, well, “Danger Boy”, it’s no surprise that before even entering the Skate Park we covered him head to toe in protective pads. Mere moments later there he was looking confident but terrifyingly out of control on his skateboard, a brand new vTech Kidizoom Action Cam stuck to the front to capture his careening.
His 7 year old very sensible sister calmly attached her Action Cam to the top of her helmet, pointing down at her feet. She checked the space around her for sharp edges (my neurotic “you’ll poke your eye out” warnings have obviously sunk in), and then… and then…
Well, I thought she was going to just stand on the board a bit and maybe ask for someone to hold onto her while she steadied herself. Instead, the little rascal proceeds to do tricks. TRICKS. She has apparently either been learning to skate in secret, or else has downloaded skateboarding tricks like something out of The Matrix.
Danger Boy meanwhile has done away with the skateboard – it was cramping his style – and is instead tearing around the skate park and throwing himself at the curved walls like a miniature and really quite good Parkour demon. All in all, a great day out, although I think my hair might have greyed a little over the course of the day!
Suffice to say, those little rascals know that to test an Action Cam, you need some serious Action, with a capital A. And yes, it passed the test with flying colours. The vTech Kidizoom Action Cam is amazing – the kids picked them up and just knew how to use them right away to take photos and video, play games, and play back the weird things they’d filmed.
They loved how they could leave their hands free to do lots of dangerous things to terrify their mother, and I loved the fact that the little cameras are basically indestructible (and even have a waterproof case), so I know if I buy one it’ll last for more than a week.
Serious thumbs up on this one – if you’re looking for ideas for birthday presents for the kids, the vTech Kidizoom Action Cam is worth the £50.